The magic man
Chris Blackwell’s long-awaited autobiography shows him as a romantic rogue; a risk taker whose life compass has been an open mind and gift to hear and see slightly into the future.
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Matthew J. Smith is a professor of history and the director of the Centre for the study of the Legacies of British Slavery, University College London.
Chris Blackwell’s long-awaited autobiography shows him as a romantic rogue; a risk taker whose life compass has been an open mind and gift to hear and see slightly into the future.
To consider Bob Marley today demands we look back across distance to the place and age that brought him to us.
On the 50th anniversary of Walter Rodney’s The Groundings With My Brothers, a small group of scholars on the impacts of Rodney on their intellectual development and political commitments.
In memory of J. Michael Dash, the Caribbean thinker and literature scholar.
In Jamaica, which is always in need of healthy distraction, football is king and everyone at heart is a Brazilian.
Long before Walter Rodney wrote ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa,’ he was profoundly shaped by his studies in Jamaica.