Aid, dependence, and ideological warfare
Foreign aid has never been just about assistance—it enforces political, economic, and social control, keeping recipient countries in a cycle of dependency.
Foreign aid has never been just about assistance—it enforces political, economic, and social control, keeping recipient countries in a cycle of dependency.
Musk’s embrace of far-right politics and Zionism reveals the fractures in Western liberal democracy, where whiteness trumps equality and justice.
Taking place 190 years ago, the Malê Revolt in Bahia, led by African Muslim slaves, shook Brazil's foundations and echoed global fears of a new Haiti.
Há 190 anos, a Revolta dos Malês na Bahia, liderada por escravizados africanos muçulmanos, abalou as bases do Brasil e ecoou temores globais de um possível novo Haiti.
After marking its first federal National Black Consciousness Day, Brazil confronts its deep African heritage and enduring racial inequalities.
Após marcar seu primeiro Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra como feriado federal, o Brasil reafirma sua profunda herança africana e as persistentes desigualdades raciais.
End of the year reflections on the United States of America, from the Global South.
Reflections on Trump’s 2024 US presidential victory.
On the deplatforming of 'African Stream.'
African postcolonial cinema serves as a mirror, revealing the limits of escape—whether through migration or personal defiance—and exposing the tensions between dreams and reality.
In Cuba, new forms of marginalization and racism have surfaced, but the dream of a good society based on the core principles of “buen vivir” for its people has not died.
A aproximação do presidente angolano com as nações ocidentais não ocorre no vácuo, nem deveria ser surpreendente.
The Angolan president’s overture to the West isn't happening in a vacuum, nor should it be surprising.
The debacle around Ta-Nehisi Coates' latest book shows us that no matter a writer's individual acclaim, the liberal media establishment will never tolerate anything that fundamentally challenges its racist edifice.
While it might be cathartic to compare Elon Musk’s tech firms to apartheid-era mines, the connection between ex-South Africans and American capitalism is complicated.
Without an immediate halt to US arms to Israel, it’s hard to see why Israel should stop slaughtering civilians in Gaza and Lebanon.
It happened in 1969. But just how did he world’s greatest, richest and most sought-after footballer at the time, end up in Ghana?
On the island of Fanon’s birth, French colonial violence persists.
Although Lula da Silva called Israel’s war against Palestinians a genocide, the Brazilian president is yet to follow that up with concrete action.
Embora Lula da Silva tenha chamado a guerra de Israel contra os palestinos de genocídio, o presidente brasileiro deve avançar em ações concretas para enfrentá-lo.